Consider this scenario – the company’s total employee strength exceeds 10,000 including an 8000 strong direct sales force. It has operations across 550 plus cities/towns in India while it’s consumer channel has over 15,000 dealers spread across 1800 + cities and towns in India. With this kind of presence, an ambition to enable its field… READ MORE
17 May.2013
E-commerce website owners would like to know in precise how many they could reach out, reaching out in various phases that means the depth of interest of the viewers. Who wouldn’t like to gauge and make the outcome as a factor-input toward a quantified plan! Google analytics’ popularity among this target audience is because of… READ MORE
17 May.2013
Google analytics is a tool-wonder, when you want to delve into the popularity of your creation. You would know the numbers of people interested at what level in your Google documents or Google exposed files. Statistics that not only judge this feature, but figures out the demographic distribution of your files as well. Content writers,… READ MORE