is a repository and management “institution” of files. Files that need to be accessed from anywhere over any platform and can be shared with anyone and still does not need the space to be carried along, Box provides for the scope.
IDEAL-ANALYTICS is a data analysis tool that can analyse one or more characteristics of a file with respect to measures or dimensions of apparently un-related files on the fly. Facts of one file with respect to dimensions of the other, poses the challenge of analysis.
That is the point where we found we could collaborate! We walked the talk! We implemented it!
Account holders in now automatically would have a free [associated] account of Ideal-Analytics wherein they can download Box files in IDEAL-ANALYTICS and analyzed them with other files either in or from somewhere else and analyse them. They can then view the results of analysis in dashboards or in other simple reports, then they can even take the results dumped into external reports and external applications.
This is why Box has awarded IA as their only resident data analyst tool provided as a plug-in application. The excitement has shot up. Account holders of Box are now busy getting their shirts sleeved up and finding new knowledge artefacts and fun, we are enjoying the response and the hit statistics. This was our motto and now this is what we cherish, to bring in as much as varieties in the users’ analysis and share with them the thrills and frills- this way walk the path of upgrade.
We talk collaboration with similar applications and we would walk our future talk very diligently!
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