Ideal Analytics has published its 5.0.0 version, now complete with a Report Studio, Analysis Studio, Configurable and Designable dashboard studio – all elements of which can be combined-ly and separately shippable and externalized to a remote user without a sign-on. Reports are not limited by what is explored and what is shown in the dashboard,… READ MORE
26 May.2015
The city of Kochi or Cochin in the God’s own country that is Kerala will host Nasscom 2015 gala exposé. Ideal Analytics is a special invitee to exhibit IDEAL ANALYTICS – the product and meet the industry honchos for solutions and service exigencies. Already special requests on collaborations are pouring in and Ideal Analytics is… READ MORE
26 May.2015
The recurrence of earthquakes follows a pattern! However fantastic it sounds, it is a fact, as found by the analysis research by our team in Ideal Analytics. The day 26 is an ominous one as we found most earthquakes occurred on that day over decades actually. Analytics has figured many correlations with the date of… READ MORE