Ideal Analytics in Nasscom Emerge 50 – Start up Category

Nasscom, India acknowledged Ideal Analytics in the Emerge 50 category for the best of products in their recent congregation in Bangalore. Ideal Analytics is now positioned as one of the best companies and their product that has attracted the attention of all the Indian big companies in the ICT industry.

Ideal Analytics in Dreamforce 2013

Ideal Analytics was one of the choicest few in the French Delegation team in Innovationtour2013 in the Salesforce Dreamforce 2013 meet of Salesforce associates and partners in San Francisco in October 2013. Being a member of the French Delegation team and having the Head Quarter in Kolkata is unique of its kind. Big ticket players… READ MORE

3.4.0 is out! Another Customer-driven-release!

3.4.0 is out! Another Customer-driven-release! Ideal Analytics asserts her customer commitment once again through promises fulfilled! Advanced Filters and user-defined filters. User access logic on data within a dataset. Some data columns may be barred from some users’ views. Returning multiple data sets from queries in databases. Very long loads may now be scuttled for… READ MORE