Analytics as the most popular & growing stream in Graduate Schools

Name any standard, and renowned School in US and in other parts of the world. The most upcoming and popular stream is Analytics. There are various types of Masters [viz MS, MBA, M of Advanced Analytics. M of Science in Analytics Engineering etc] various schools and universities offer. There are specialized institutions on Analytics under… READ MORE

New partners pour in

ComponentSource – world’s largest B2B software component community for .NET, COM (TM), DELPHI (TM), JAVA/EJB (TM), AJAX, ATLAS, SharePoint and Eclipse. ComponentSource is also the world’s largest repository of open market software components, development tools, and related services. Their customer base consists of various vertical markets such as banking, healthcare, telecommunication, and utility companies. ComponentSource… READ MORE

Business knowledge acquired through Analytics serving

Clients give us Business knowledge. We gather business process acumen from their practice. Their practice becomes our space of investigation and research. We get sucked into the race for best business practice. We proudly enter the race. Customer Relationship management is now shaping itself up as a business process. Thanks to one of our clients,… READ MORE