Name any standard, and renowned School in US and in other parts of the world. The most upcoming and popular stream is Analytics. There are various types of Masters [viz MS, MBA, M of Advanced Analytics. M of Science in Analytics Engineering etc] various schools and universities offer. There are specialized institutions on Analytics under renowned universities like University of Carolina as well. Specialized Business schools have their MS or MBA courses on Analytics. Companies and firms are recruiting heavily from these schools. Students are flocking as the course generally pulls in any graduate from any stream with analytical knack.
Usual topics are data mining, machine learning, statistical models, predictive analytics, econometrics, optimization, risk analysis, data visualization, business communication and management science. Every business school add on new topics. One is amazed at the rise of employment statistics.
This is the picture only of US universities. Europe is even more active and Indian big ticket universities like IITs and IIMs are plunging in.
Ideal Analytics is a proud member of this education deluge in Analytics. We are actively supporting universities with workshops, familiarization, course planning, course management and other practical orientation programs for short term to long term durations.
Come plunge into the next revolution! The Analytics revolution! |
New partners pour in |

ComponentSource - world's largest B2B software component community for .NET, COMTM, DELPHITM, JAVA/EJBTM, AJAX, ATLAS, SharePoint and Eclipse. ComponentSource is also the world's largest repository of open market software components, development tools, and related services. Their customer base consists of various vertical markets such as banking, healthcare, telecommunication, and utility companies.
ComponentSource is excited with Ideal Analytics as they find immense opportunity to approach their clientele and meet their Analytics need. We at Ideal Analytics is excited to get a friend & Partner in UK working in European and Australian market along with. |

TribeNautix provides data driven digital insights for leading online brands - maximizing Marketing, Sales & Customer Retention capabilities. Their BI solutions are powered by Ideal Analytics tool. Walking in as OEM integrator, they have their products leveraging toward Analytics. We are proud to have another technology partner. |
Business knowledge acquired through Analytics serving |
Clients give us Business knowledge. We gather business process acumen from their practice. Their practice becomes our space of investigation and research. We get sucked into the race for best business practice. We proudly enter the race.
Customer Relationship management is now shaping itself up as a business process. Thanks to one of our clients, we find that once a customer is registered the new journey of assistance starts with the chain of Educate-Nurture-Opportunity-Renewal. After this time-bound cycle is complete the cycle starts all over again with new skill and development to be educated till the next cycle.
We know are more conversed with the Customer Life-Cycle-Management [CLM] and manage process with manage-through-metrics.
Ideal Analyics hitting India-Soft 2015 |
The biggest software show in India will be hosted in Hotel Kemipinski in New Delhi on 12 th and 13th of February 2015. More than 150 companies are going to present their wares to attract the attention of 400 delegates from all over the globe and a huge number of onlookers.
Ideal Analytics is going to hit the show with our flagship product. We would also leverage of the service offerings.
We appreciate every bit of interest from all! Please come and meet us, chat with us on your problems and get free account-registrations. indiasoft.org
Recognitions & Accolades |
Yourstory.com – a world renowned story telling portal for ingenious and innovative products has published the story of Ideal Analytics.. Browse through the story to get a glimpse in the history of Ideal Analytics. Yourstory.com
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